The First Cadian Shock Trooper Regiment, led by General Storm Hammer, has been sent to Kronus II to find an Eldar responsible for defeating the 2nd Cadian. In Beyond Equestria: Fluttershy Balances the Scales, seapony guards Cerulean and Salt Air are featured, and guards Golden Fin and Crystal Tide are mentioned. In The Beginning of the End - Part 2, ​[​specify​]​. Stern Canterlot Marshal In School Raze - Part 2, Pegasus mares appear among Celestia's guards apprehending Cozy Glow, and later escorting her to Tartarus. A member of the Cloudsdale Aristocracy, Starry Skies is a manipulative and charming pony who enjoys all of the benefits of being aristocracy without actually following any of the aristocratic rules of behavior. All: Winter Wrap Up, Winter Wrap Up Let’s finish our holiday cheer Winter Wrap Up, Winter Wrap Up ‘Cause tomorrow spring is here Winter Wrap Up, Winter Wrap Up ‘Cause tomorrow spring is here ‘Cause tomorrow spring is here! Opening the door, he saw Bright Star sitting with his newborn son, Night. For the character erroneously called Flash Sentry in My Little Pony Legends of Magic Issue #11, see Flash Magnus. While protecting his Princess from all who would harm her, he DOES spend a lot of time cleaning his armor. ... MLP The Legend of Asteroid Angus: Epilogue. They patrol the Canterlot Archives; one of them, who recognizes Twilight Sparkle, unlocks the restricted "Star Swirl the Bearded" wing for her, even though at first she tries to avoid them and dreads being discovered sneaking about but finds herself eventually cornered. ''You know what they say about Canterlot's royal guard: they ALWAYS get their pony! Rarity also enters the heavily guarded castle by disguising herself in royal guard armor. In My Little Pony: IDW 20/20, Pegasus guards pull a chariot to transport Twilight and her younger self to Ponyville. They have more active roles in two episodes: One guards the VIP balcony and allows Rarity to enter it at the Wonderbolts race in the episode Sweet and Elite; the color of his magical glow is green. He’s sworn to defend the great Crystal Empire -- and with wings of that size, he’s quite the high flyer! The craft led to the creation of runic spell enchantments. In My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #18, an alternate universe King Sombra's royal guards appear dressed in black armor. He got a little cranky," Luna explained as she led him to Night's room. In My Little Pony Holiday Special 2019, several guards-including some of Luna's-appear on pages 4, 7, and 17, assisting with the Royal Hearth's Warming Gala and later coming to the aid of a stranded train. Unicorn guards with curved horns appear in Campfire Tales serving Empress Sable Spirit. She didn't need her little sister rubbing it in. My Little Pony: The Manga - A Day in the Life of Equestria, More My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wiki. Procession of trumpeters in The Cutie Mark Chronicles. In My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #61, two Pegasus guards appear in Princess Celestia's retinue at the Convocation of Creatures. In Twilight's Kingdom - Part 1, he has a minor speaking role, introducing the duke and duchess of Maretonia to the Crystal Empire. He added that last part to the code himself. In My Little Pony: FIENDship is Magic Issue #5, King Orion of Timbucktu has a royal guard detail of sparkly-eyed Pegasi. While no longer a necessity, rune enchantments improved the lives of unicorns back when household electricity and protection from a kingdom were not yet existent. In Princess Cadance and the Spring Hearts Garden, Shining Armor is called away by Celestia to hold trials for new guard recruits including Jasper Hoof and Topaz. Opening the door, he saw Bright Star sitting with his newborn son, Night. 2, a captured Star Dancer is under the watch of two futuristic guards before being freed by Professor What. My Little Pony: Legends of Magic-which seems to have been written in closer communication with the show writers than most of the comics-does indeed indicate that Tirek showed up, and then the Sirens came later. A devoted protector of his homeland, this stallion feels REALLY bad about the whole 'Sombra taking over' thing. Many Pegasus guards of multiple colors appear in the season two finale.
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