You'll have to learn them all if you want to be able to speak and understand Cantonese. and Goodbye in Cantonese! 2. It thrives in the speech of the people of Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macau, and Singapore; unfortunately, I can’t say the same about its written form. We will teach you: How to say Hello! weak and likely to lose consciousness; "suddenly felt faint from the pain"; "was sick and faint from hunger"; "felt light in the head"; "a swooning fit"; "light-headed with wine"; "light-headed from lack of sleep" san1 nin4 faai3 lok6! 新年快樂! Happy new year! Chinese New Year greetings in Cantonese: Kung Hei Fat Choi Learn the most important words in Cantonese Here you can find the translation of the 50 most important words and expressions into Cantonese. faint translation in English-Cantonese dictionary. If you're learning Cantonese you will quickly notice a lack of learning materials. 輸 (syu1) verb meaning lose in Cantonese Get your daily fix of Cantonese with In this video I compare Mandarin and Cantonese!Are you learning Mandarin? (Cantonese, Teochew) to throw; to toss 掉 西瓜 落 海 [ Cantonese ] ― deu 6 sai 1 gwaa 1 lok 6 hoi 2 [Jyutping] ― to throw a watermelon into the ocean ( superstition in Hong Kong that it will aid in the recovery of people lost at sea ) Someone with a calm temperament, who doesn’t lose their temper. Happy new year in Cantonese is 新年快樂 [san1 nin4 faai3 lok6], and it can be used in both New Year (新年)and Chinese New Year (農曆新年). Check out ChineseClass101: Cantonese belongs to the Sino-Tibetan family of languages, and like its more renowned relation, Mandarin, it developed from Middle Chinese. 菠羅雞 [bō lòh gāi] (Pineapple chicken → 靠黐 [kaau chī], 一味靠黐 [yāt meih kaau chī]) Someone who takes advantage of other people; an exploiter (*Pineapple chicken is the mascot of the Pala Temple in Canton, which sounds like pineapple temple in Cantonese. Chinese New Year greetings in Cantonese: Happy New Year. Lack of resources. Cantonese (廣東話 Gwóng dōng wá) is a widely spoken Chinese language. One shift that affected Cantonese in the past was the loss of distinction between the alveolar and the alveolo-palatal (sometimes termed as postalveolar) sibilants, which occurred during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. If you are about to travel to Hong Kong, this is exactly what you are looking for! In Cantonese changing the tone changes the meaning of a word completely. It is the local language in current use within the province of Guangdong, China, official language in the Special Administrative Region of Hong Kong, as well as in the Special Administrative Region of Macau, and used in many overseas Chinese communities in South-East Asia and elsewhere, with Kuala Lumpur and Ho … Cantonese (traditional Chinese: 標準粵語; simplified Chinese: 标准粤语; Jyutping: Bīujéun Yuhtyúh; lit. Build your Cantonese vocabulary each day with a new bite-size language lesson - Cantonese word, romanization, translation, sample phrases and sentence, audio by native Cantonese speakers, images and grammar points like part-of-speech. There are a total of 6 tones in Cantonese (one more than in Mandarin).
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