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Journalists with enquiries, including requests for papers, should contact the Journals Press Office: Mailing Address INSTAP Academic Press 2133 Arch Street Suite 301 Philadelphia, PA 19103 USA Tel: (215) 568-8041 instappress @ Susan Ferrence Director of Publications sferrence @ Manuscript Submissions In addition to mailing hard copies, please send all … Cambridge University Press University Printing House Shaftesbury Road Cambridge CB2 8BS United Kingdom Directions. To upload a paper to be considered for an Academic Insert, click here. Caister Academic Press. “Classical Academic Press is our favorite provider of curriculum for our homeschool. Each year, UTP publishes approximately 200 new scholarly, course, reference, and general interest books. Contact Customer Service. Welcome to the exclusive online bookshop for Welsh Academic Press, St. Davids Press and Gwasg Addysgol Cymru. Entries on this list should be publishing houses associated with one or more academic institutions and have their own article or be well-sourced in a university article. Address and postal address: TU Wien Academic Press c/o TU Wien Bibliothek Resselgasse 4, A-1040 Wien It has companies in London, New York, Sydney and Delhi. With a focus on Irish history, politics, literature and the arts, we aim to continue the high standards of the past well into the future. ... You may also contact us directly at about any other question or concern. Feel free to contact us with any questions or comments. With more than 20 subdisciplines, Academic Press provides scientific researchers with groundbreaking content on the latest scientific trends. Scholé Academy is a division of Classical Academic Press, which features classical texts and media creatively designed and presented.. Academic Press' quality subject areas. Contact our customer service for help, comments, or questions. We working to effect these updates as soon as possible and we apreciated your understadning. Maeve Convery – Marketing Manager. Contact Us; Irish Academic Press has been at the forefront of academic publishing in Ireland for over forty years. Address: 515 S. 32nd St. Camp Hill, PA 17011. Lexington Books/Fortress Academic publishes thoughtful, focused, critical scholarship in biblical studies and Christian history, theology, and ethics. Croeso! Buy from any good bookshop or internet bookstore (further information).+44 (0)1865-333536 (Blackwells) Read a brief history of the Press, including major academic and literary milestones.. For a more in-depth exploration of the University’s earliest publishing efforts, the Press’s official founding in 1913, and its first six decades, turn to Max Hall’s Harvard University Press: A History. Copy deadlines for each issue is the 15th of… For a complete list of conferences, please go here: Å afárikovo nám. As an imprint of Elsevier, Academic Press offers seamless integration of scientific content with online resources such as , Referex and X-Pharm for easy access to an abundance of cutting-edge scientific information. Contact Information. Our Customer Service Department (not the virtual kind, but the human kind) is open from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (EST), Monday through Friday. Scholé Academy. Stem Academic press The purpose of STEM Academic Press is to peer-review books and monographs from individuals and groups with the focus on quantitative and hard sciences. 2, 811 02 Bratislava IČO: 35910909, DIČ: 2021952031, IČ DPH: SK2021952031 DIČ: 2021952031, IČ DPH: SK2021952031 ACADEMICA PRESS 1727 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Suite 507 Washington, DC 20036. UTP has published over 6,500 books, with well over 3,500 of these still in print. You are changing the homeschooling world, one family at a time, with your beautiful materials that delight a child’s heart and cultivate their soul” Search. Please call us on 021 931 6311 This page lists notable university presses, arranged by country.Associations of university presses are listed afterwards. Titles are exhibited at more than 100 professional and academic conferences held across the world each year. Each issue includes an academic insert, a scholarly paper that promotes Christian higher education. You can contact us by email, fax, mail, or telephone as listed below. Please do not send submissions to any … Academica Press is a leading independent publisher of general non-fiction with strong interest in the humanities, ... Academica seeks to publish the very best peer-reviewed research produced by the international academic community. Academic Press offers an abundant amount of scientific coverage from pharmacology to agronomy. BOOKS. Built on an ethos of openness, we are passionate about working with the global academic community to promote open scholarly research to the world. THE WORLD’S LEADING PLATFORMS FOR MUSIC INDUSTRY DATA AND PHILOSOPHY FULL TEXTS Phone: 866–730–0711 West Academic General Support & Contact Information. For a complete listing of Oxford Journals contacts including our international offices, please visit our Contact Us section.. Visit the OUP News page for the latest press releases from Oxford University Press and other OUP publicity contacts. Apple Academic Press, Inc. 4164 Lakeshore Road Burlington ON L7L 1A4 Canada Fax: 866–222–9549 Email: Our History.
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